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The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Volume 3.

The volume is fully bound on speckled leather covered boards with red mottling to the edges of the text block. Pasted onto the top left corner of the front paste-down are 2 small white labels "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall" with underneath "Property of the L S Trust, 1986". Written in pencil adjacent to these is "KM 3" & "am persuaded on p 141". Also written in pencil and located on the top right corner of the title page is "TSL 133". Stamped onto the reverse of the title page is the circular stamp with "The Laurence Sterne Trust Shandy Hall" and inside "The Kenneth Monkman Collection". Written in pencil on the top right corner of the rear paste-down are booksellers marks.

Accession number CCWSH:0889
Category Book
Date 1761
Dimensions height: 160 mm, width: 104 mm